LINDA RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット CD1&2 大全集 MP3CD 2P∞の商品情報

過去3ヶ月の「 RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット 」の統計データ情報

「RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット」 に関する落札商品は全部で 200 件あります。


1,540 円


15,800 円


1 円

※ 下記の件数、または棒グラフをクリックする事で、価格帯を指定した検索が行えます。細かい仕様に関しては下記の更新情報をご参照下さい。

対象オークション 「LINDA RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット CD1&2 大全集 MP3CD 2P∞」 は 「RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット」 を含む落札商品の中で、全200件中およそ 78 番目に高額です。

「RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット」 を含んだ関連性が高いと思われる落札商品

「RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット」 に関する落札商品をもっと見る

過去3ヶ月の「 リンダ・ロンシュタット 」の統計データ情報

「リンダ・ロンシュタット」 に関する落札商品は全部で 375 件あります。


1,337 円


15,800 円


1 円

※ 下記の件数、または棒グラフをクリックする事で、価格帯を指定した検索が行えます。細かい仕様に関しては下記の更新情報をご参照下さい。

対象オークション 「LINDA RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット CD1&2 大全集 MP3CD 2P∞」 は 「リンダ・ロンシュタット」 を含む落札商品の中で、全375件中およそ 136 番目に高額です。

「リンダ・ロンシュタット」 を含んだ関連性が高いと思われる落札商品

「リンダ・ロンシュタット」 に関する落札商品をもっと見る

LINDA RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット CD1&2 大全集 MP3CD 2P∞ の落札情報

LINDA RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット CD1&2 大全集 MP3CD 2P∞の1番目の画像
  • 落札価格:
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  • 開始価格
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  • 開始日時
    2021年9月23日 17時32分
    2021年9月28日 7時1分
  • オークションID


  • LINDA RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット CD1&2 大全集 MP3CD 2P∞の1番目の画像
  • LINDA RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット CD1&2 大全集 MP3CD 2P∞の2番目の画像









LINDA RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット CD1&2 大全集 MP3CD 2P∞


対応したプレイヤー、Windows/Mac などで再生できます。


yukiss18 オークションへのアクセスをありがとうございます!

LINDA RONSTADT リンダ・ロンシュタット CD1&2 大全集 MP3CD 2P∞



├─ 1967 - The Stone Poneys - Vol 1
├─ 1967 - The Stone Poneys - Vol 2
├─ 1968 - The Stone Poneys - Vol 3
├─ 1969 - Hand Sown Home Grown
├─ 1970 - Silk Purse
├─ 1972 - Linda Ronstadt
├─ 1973 - Don't Cry Now
├─ 1974 - Heart Like A Wheel
├─ 1975 - Prisoner In Disguise
├─ 1976 - Greatest Hits Vol1 (comp.)
├─ 1976 - Hasten Down The Wind
├─ 1977 - Simple Dreams
├─ 1978 - Living In The USA
├─ 1980 - Greatest Hits Vol2 (comp.)
├─ 1980 - Mad Love
├─ 1982 - Get Closer
├─ 1983 - What's New
├─ 1984 - Lush Life
├─ 1986 - For Sentimental Reasons
└─ 1987 - Trio 1 (with Dolly Parton and Emmylou Harris)

├─ 1987 - Canciones De Mi Padre
├─ 1989 - Cry Like A Rainstorm, Howl Like The Wind
├─ 1990 - Mas Canciones
├─ 1992 - Frenesi
├─ 1993 - Boleros y Rancheras (comp.)
├─ 1994 - Winter Light
├─ 1995 - Feels Like Home
├─ 1996 - Dedicated To The One I Love
├─ 1998 - We Ran
├─ 1999 - Trio 2 (with Dolly Parton and Emmylou Harris)
├─ 1999 - Western Wall (with Emmylou Harris)
├─ 2000 - A Merry Little Christmas
├─ 2004 - Hummin To Myself
├─ 2004 - Mi Jardin Azul (comp.)
├─ 2006 - Adieu False Heart (with Ann Savoy)
└─ 2006 - The Best Of (comp.)


mp3再生対応CDプレイヤーか、Windows/Mac などで再生できます。
iPod/iPhone にも簡単に音源を入れることができます。
全曲目は Winamp/ iTunes などのフリーソフトで一覧表示されます。


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◆ LINDA RONSTADT CD1&2 大全集 MP3CD 2P∞の関連商品は、以下のリンクからご覧ください。

◆ 他にも多数出品しております。以下のリンクからご覧下さい。

現在出品中の全リストをアーティスト順 (アルファベット順) でご覧になれます!!(外部サイト)

★【1967 - The Stone Poneys - Vol 1】
Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - 2 10 train/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - All the beautiful things/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Back home/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Bicycle song (soon new)/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - If I were you/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Just a little bit of rain/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Meredith (on my mind)/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Orion/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Sweet summer blue and gold/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Train and the river/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Wild about my lovin'

★【1967 - The Stone Poneys - Vol 2】
Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Autumn afternoon/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Back on the street again/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - December dream/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Different drum/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Driftin'/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Evergreen (part 1)/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Evergreen (part 2)/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - I'd like to know/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - New hard times/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - One for one/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Song about the rain/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Toys in time

★【1968 - The Stone Poneys - Vol 3】
Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Aren't you the girl/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - By the fruits of their labor/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Fragments/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Hobo/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Let's get together/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Some of Shelly's blues/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Star and a stone/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Stoney end/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Up to my neck in hight muddy water/ Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys - Wings

★【1969 - Hand Sown Home Grown】
Linda Ronstadt - Baby, you've been on my mind/ Linda Ronstadt - Bet no one ever hurt so bad/ Linda Ronstadt - Break my mind/ Linda Ronstadt - Dolphins/ Linda Ronstadt - I'll be your baby tonight/ Linda Ronstadt - It's about time/ Linda Ronstadt - Long way around/ Linda Ronstadt - Number and a name/ Linda Ronstadt - Only Mama that'll walk the line/ Linda Ronstadt - Silver thread and golden needles/ Linda Ronstadt - We need a lot more of Jesus

★【1970 - Silk Purse】
Linda Ronstadt - Are my thoughts with you/ Linda Ronstadt - He darked the sun/ Linda Ronstadt - I'm leavin' all up to you/ Linda Ronstadt - Life is like a mountain railway/ Linda Ronstadt - Long, long time/ Linda Ronstadt - Louise/ Linda Ronstadt - Lovesick blues/ Linda Ronstadt - Mental revenge/ Linda Ronstadt - Nobody's/ Linda Ronstadt - Will you love me tomorrow

★【1972 - Linda Ronstadt】
Linda Ronstadt - Birds/ Linda Ronstadt - Crazy arms/ Linda Ronstadt - I ain't always be faithful/ Linda Ronstadt - I fall to pieces/ Linda Ronstadt - I still miss someone/ Linda Ronstadt - I wont be hangin round/ Linda Ronstadt - In my reply/ Linda Ronstadt - Ramblin' round/ Linda Ronstadt - Rescue me/ Linda Ronstadt - Rock me on the water

★【1973 - Don't Cry Now】
Linda Ronstadt - Colorado/ Linda Ronstadt - Desperado/ Linda Ronstadt - Don't cry now/ Linda Ronstadt - Everybody loves a winner/ Linda Ronstadt - I believe in you/ Linda Ronstadt - I can almost see it/ Linda Ronstadt - Love has no pride/ Linda Ronstadt - Sail away/ Linda Ronstadt - Silver threads and golden needle/ Linda Ronstadt - The fast one

★【1974 - Heart Like A Wheel】
Linda Ronstadt - Faithless love/ Linda Ronstadt - Heart is like a wheel/ Linda Ronstadt - I can't help it (if I'm still in love with you)/ Linda Ronstadt - It doesn't matter anymore/ Linda Ronstadt - Keep me from blowing away/ Linda Ronstadt - The dark end of the street/ Linda Ronstadt - When will I be loved/ Linda Ronstadt - Willing/ Linda Ronstadt - You can close your eyes/ Linda Ronstadt - You're no good

★【1975 - Prisoner In Disguise】
Linda Ronstadt - Heat wave/ Linda Ronstadt - Hey Mister that's me upon the jukebox/ Linda Ronstadt - I will always love you/ Linda Ronstadt - Love is a rose/ Linda Ronstadt - Many rivers to cross/ Linda Ronstadt - Prisoner in disguise/ Linda Ronstadt - Roll um easy/ Linda Ronstadt - Silver blue/ Linda Ronstadt - The sweetest gift/ Linda Ronstadt - Tracks of my tears/ Linda Ronstadt - You tell me that I'm falling down

★【1976 - Greatest Hits Vol1 (comp.)】
Linda Ronstadt - Desperado/ Linda Ronstadt - Different drum/ Linda Ronstadt - Heat wave/ Linda Ronstadt - It doesn't matter anymore/ Linda Ronstadt - Long, long time/ Linda Ronstadt - Love has no pride/ Linda Ronstadt - Love is a rose/ Linda Ronstadt - Silver threads and golden needles/ Linda Ronstadt - That'll be the day/ Linda Ronstadt - Tracks of my tears/ Linda Ronstadt - When will I be loved/ Linda Ronstadt - You're no good

★【1976 - Hasten Down The Wind】
Linda Ronstadt - Crazy/ Linda Ronstadt - Down so low/ Linda Ronstadt - Give one heart/ Linda Ronstadt - Hasten down the wind/ Linda Ronstadt - If he's ever near/ Linda Ronstadt - Lo siento mi vida/ Linda Ronstadt - Lose again/ Linda Ronstadt - Rivers of babylon/ Linda Ronstadt - Someone to lay down beside me/ Linda Ronstadt - That'll be the day/ Linda Ronstadt - The tattler/ Linda Ronstadt - Try me again

★【1977 - Simple Dreams】
Linda Ronstadt - Blue bayou/ Linda Ronstadt - Carmelita/ Linda Ronstadt - I never will marry/ Linda Ronstadt - It's so easy/ Linda Ronstadt - Maybe I'm right/ Linda Ronstadt - Old paint/ Linda Ronstadt - Poor poor pitiful me/ Linda Ronstadt - Simple man, simple dream/ Linda Ronstadt - Sorrow lives here/ Linda Ronstadt - Tumbling dice

★【1978 - Living In The USA】
Linda Ronstadt - Alison/ Linda Ronstadt - All that you dream/ Linda Ronstadt - Back in the USA/ Linda Ronstadt - Blowing away/ Linda Ronstadt - Just one look/ Linda Ronstadt - Love me tender/ Linda Ronstadt - Mohammed's radio/ Linda Ronstadt - Ooo baby baby/ Linda Ronstadt - When I grow too old to dream/ Linda Ronstadt - White rythm & blues

★【1980 - Greatest Hits Vol2 (comp.)】
Linda Ronstadt - Back in the USA/ Linda Ronstadt - Blue bayou/ Linda Ronstadt - How do I make you/ Linda Ronstadt - Hurt so bad/ Linda Ronstadt - I can't let go/ Linda Ronstadt - It's so easy/ Linda Ronstadt - Just one look/ Linda Ronstadt - Ooo baby baby/ Linda Ronstadt - Poor poor pitiful me/ Linda Ronstadt - Someone to lay down beside me/ Linda Ronstadt - Tumbling dice

★【1980 - Mad Love】
Linda Ronstadt - Cost of love/ Linda Ronstadt - Girls talk/ Linda Ronstadt - How do I make you/ Linda Ronstadt - Hurt so bad/ Linda Ronstadt - I can't let go/ Linda Ronstadt - Justine/ Linda Ronstadt - Look out for my love/ Linda Ronstadt - Mad love/ Linda Ronstadt - Party girl/ Linda Ronstadt - Talking in the dark

★【1982 - Get Closer】
Linda Ronstadt - Easy for you to say/ Linda Ronstadt - Get closer/ Linda Ronstadt - I knew you when/ Linda Ronstadt - I think it's gonna work out fi/ Linda Ronstadt - Lies/ Linda Ronstadt - Mr radio/ Linda Ronstadt - My blue tears/ Linda Ronstadt - People gonna talk/ Linda Ronstadt - Sometimes you just can't win/ Linda Ronstadt - Talk to me of Mendocino/ Linda Ronstadt - Tell him/ Linda Ronstadt - The moon is a harsh mistress

★【1983 - What's New】
Linda Ronstadt - Crazy he calls me/ Linda Ronstadt - Good-bye/ Linda Ronstadt - Guess I'll hang my tears out to dry/ Linda Ronstadt - I don't stand a ghost of a chance/ Linda Ronstadt - I've got a crush on you/ Linda Ronstadt - Lover man (oh where can you be)/ Linda Ronstadt - Someone to watch over me/ Linda Ronstadt - What'll I do/ Linda Ronstadt - What's new

★【1984 - Lush Life】
Linda Ronstadt - Can't we be friends/ Linda Ronstadt - Falling in love again/ Linda Ronstadt - I'm a fool to want you/ Linda Ronstadt - It never entered my mind/ Linda Ronstadt - Lush life/ Linda Ronstadt - Mean to me/ Linda Ronstadt - My old flame/ Linda Ronstadt - Skylark/ Linda Ronstadt - Sophisticated lady/ Linda Ronstadt - When I fall in love/ Linda Ronstadt - When your lover has gone/ Linda Ronstadt - You took advantage of me

★【1986 - For Sentimental Reasons】
Linda Ronstadt - 'Round midnight/ Linda Ronstadt - Am I blue/ Linda Ronstadt - Bewitched, bothered & bewildered/ Linda Ronstadt - But not for me/ Linda Ronstadt - I get along without you very well/ Linda Ronstadt - I love you for sentimental reasons/ Linda Ronstadt - Little girl blue/ Linda Ronstadt - My funny Valentine/ Linda Ronstadt - Straighten up and fly right/ Linda Ronstadt - When you wish upon a star/ Linda Ronstadt - You go to my head

★【1987 - Trio 1 (with Dolly Parton and Emmylou Harris)】
Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Farther along/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Hobo's meditation/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - I've had enough/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Making plans/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - My dear companion/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Rosewood casket/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Telling me lies/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - The pain of loving you/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Those memories of you/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - To know him is to love him/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Wildflowers

★【1987 - Canciones De Mi Padre】
LI7FD5~1/ Linda Ronstadt - Corrido de cananea/ Linda Ronstadt - Dos arbolitos/ Linda Ronstadt - El sol que tu eres/ Linda Ronstadt - Hay unos ojos/ Linda Ronstadt - La barca de guaymas/ Linda Ronstadt - La calandria/ Linda Ronstadt - La charreada/ Linda Ronstadt - La cigarra/ Linda Ronstadt - Los laureles/ Linda Ronstadt - Por un amor/ Linda Ronstadt - Rogaciano el huapanguero/ Linda Ronstadt - Y andale

★【1989 - Cry Like A Rainstorm, Howl Like The Wind】
Linda Ronstadt - Adios/ Linda Ronstadt - All my life/ Linda Ronstadt - Cry like a rainstorm/ Linda Ronstadt - Don't know much/ Linda Ronstadt - Goodbye my friend/ Linda Ronstadt - I keep it hid/ Linda Ronstadt - I need you/ Linda Ronstadt - Shattered/ Linda Ronstadt - So right, so wrong/ Linda Ronstadt - Still within the sound of my voice/ Linda Ronstadt - Trouble again/ Linda Ronstadt - When something is wrong with my baby

★【1990 - Mas Canciones】
LI32C6~1/ LI3C0C~1/ LINDAR~4/ Linda Ronstadt - El camino/ Linda Ronstadt - El crucifijo de piedra/ Linda Ronstadt - El gustito/ Linda Ronstadt - El toro relajo/ Linda Ronstadt - La mariquita/ Linda Ronstadt - Mi ranchito/ Linda Ronstadt - Palomita de ojos negros/ Linda Ronstadt - Pena de los amores/ Linda Ronstadt - Tata dios

★【1992 - Frenesi】
LI1B6A~1/ LI4233~1/ LI64FA~1/ LINDAR~2/ Linda Ronstadt - Alma adentro/ Linda Ronstadt - Despojos/ Linda Ronstadt - En mi soledad/ Linda Ronstadt - Entre abismos/ Linda Ronstadt - Mentira salome/ Linda Ronstadt - Perfidia/ Linda Ronstadt - Piel canela/ Linda Ronstadt - Te quiero dijiste/ Linda Ronstadt - Verdad amarga

★【1993 - Boleros y Rancheras (comp.)】
LI3FD3~1/ LI4233~1/ LI8A8B~1/ LINDAR~3/ LINDAR~4/ Linda Ronstadt - Dos arbolitos/ Linda Ronstadt - El crucifijo de piedra/ Linda Ronstadt - La cigarra/ Linda Ronstadt - Perfidia/ Linda Ronstadt - Piel Canela/ Linda Ronstadt - Por un amor/ Linda Ronstadt - Te quiero dijiste

★【1994 - Winter Light】
Linda Ronstadt - A river for him/ Linda Ronstadt - Adonde voy/ Linda Ronstadt - Anyone who had a heart/ Linda Ronstadt - Do what you gotta do/ Linda Ronstadt - Don't talk/ Linda Ronstadt - Heartbeats accelerating/ Linda Ronstadt - I just don't know what to do with myself/ Linda Ronstadt - It's too soon to know/ Linda Ronstadt - Oh no, not my baby/ Linda Ronstadt - Winter light/ Linda Ronstadt - You can't treat the wrong man right

★【1995 - Feels Like Home】
Linda Ronstadt - After the gold rush/ Linda Ronstadt - Feels like home/ Linda Ronstadt - High sierra/ Linda Ronstadt - Lover's return/ Linda Ronstadt - Morning blues/ Linda Ronstadt - Teardrops will fall/ Linda Ronstadt - The blue train/ Linda Ronstadt - The waiting/ Linda Ronstadt - Walk on/ Linda Ronstadt - Women cross the river

★【1996 - Dedicated To The One I Love】
Linda Ronstadt - Be my baby/ Linda Ronstadt - Brahms' lullaby/ Linda Ronstadt - Dedicated to the one I love/ Linda Ronstadt - Devoted to you/ Linda Ronstadt - Good night/ Linda Ronstadt - In my room/ Linda Ronstadt - We will rock you/ Linda Ronstadt - Winter light

★【1998 - We Ran】
Linda Ronstadt - Cry 'til my tears run dry/ Linda Ronstadt - Damage/ Linda Ronstadt - Dreams of the San Joaquin/ Linda Ronstadt - Give me a reason/ Linda Ronstadt - Heartbreak kind/ Linda Ronstadt - I go to pieces/ Linda Ronstadt - Icy blue heart/ Linda Ronstadt - If I should fall behind/ Linda Ronstadt - Just like tom thumb's blues/ Linda Ronstadt - Ruler of my heart/ Linda Ronstadt - When we ran

★【1999 - Trio 2 (with Dolly Parton and Emmylou Harris)】
Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - After the gold rush/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Blue train/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Do I ever cross your mind/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Feels like home/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - He rode all the way to Texas/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - High sierra/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - I feel the blues movin' in/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - Lover's return/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - When we're gone, long gone/ Ronstadt, Harris, Parton - You'll never be the sun

★【1999 - Western Wall (with Emmylou Harris)】
Ronstadt & Harris - 1917/ Ronstadt & Harris - Across the border/ Ronstadt & Harris - All I left behind/ Ronstadt & Harris - Falling down/ Ronstadt & Harris - For a dancer/ Ronstadt & Harris - He was mine/ Ronstadt & Harris - Loving the highway man/ Ronstadt & Harris - Raise the dead/ Ronstadt & Harris - Sisters of mercy/ Ronstadt & Harris - Sweet spot/ Ronstadt & Harris - This is to mother you/ Ronstadt & Harris - Valerie/ Ronstadt & Harris - Western wall

★【2000 - A Merry Little Christmas】
Linda Ronstadt - Have yourself a merry little Christmas/ Linda Ronstadt - I wonder as I wander/ Linda Ronstadt - I'll be home for Christmas/ Linda Ronstadt - Lo how a rose e're blooming/ Linda Ronstadt - O come, o come Emmanuel/ Linda Ronstadt - O magnum mysterium/ Linda Ronstadt - River/ Linda Ronstadt - Silent night/ Linda Ronstadt - The Christmas song/ Linda Ronstadt - Welsh Carol/ Linda Ronstadt - White Christmas/ Linda Ronstadt - Xicochi xicochi

★【2004 - Hummin To Myself】
Linda Ronstadt - Blue prelude/ Linda Ronstadt - Cry me a river/ Linda Ronstadt - Day dream/ Linda Ronstadt - Get out of town/ Linda Ronstadt - Hummin to myself/ Linda Ronstadt - I fall in love too easily/ Linda Ronstadt - I'll be seeing you/ Linda Ronstadt - Ive never been in love before/ Linda Ronstadt - Miss Otis regrets/ Linda Ronstadt - Never will I marry/ Linda Ronstadt - Tell him I said hello

★【2004 - Mi Jardin Azul (comp.)】
LI32C6~1/ LI4233~1/ LI68FF~1/ LINDAR~2/ Linda Ronstadt - Adonde voy/ Linda Ronstadt - El crucifijo de piedra/ Linda Ronstadt - El sol que tu eres/ Linda Ronstadt - Hay unos ojos/ Linda Ronstadt - La charreada/ Linda Ronstadt - La cigarra/ Linda Ronstadt - La mariquita/ Linda Ronstadt - Lo siento mi vida/ Linda Ronstadt - Mentira salome/ Linda Ronstadt - Mi ranchito/ Linda Ronstadt - Perfidia/ Linda Ronstadt - Piel canela/ Linda Ronstadt - Por un amor/ Linda Ronstadt - Rogaciano el huapanguero/ Linda Ronstadt - Tata dios/ Linda Ronstadt - Verdad amarga

★【2006 - Adieu False Heart (with Ann Savoy)】
Ronstadt & Savoy - Adieu false heart/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Burns supper/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Closing/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Go away from my window/ Ronstadt & Savoy - I can't get over you/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Interlude 2/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Interlude/ Ronstadt & Savoy - King of Bohemia/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Marie Mouri/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Opening/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Parlez/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Plus tu tournes/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Rattle my cage/ Ronstadt & Savoy - The one I love is gone/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Too old to die young/ Ronstadt & Savoy - Walk away Renee

★【2006 - The Best Of (comp.)】
Linda Ronstadt - Adios/ Linda Ronstadt - All my life/ Linda Ronstadt - Back in the USA/ Linda Ronstadt - Blue bayou/ Linda Ronstadt - Different drum/ Linda Ronstadt - Dont know much/ Linda Ronstadt - Heart like a wheel/ Linda Ronstadt - Heat wave/ Linda Ronstadt - Hurt so bad/ Linda Ronstadt - Its so easy/ Linda Ronstadt - Just one look/ Linda Ronstadt - Long long time/ Linda Ronstadt - Love is a rose/ Linda Ronstadt - Ooh baby baby/ Linda Ronstadt - Poor poor pitiful me/ Linda Ronstadt - Somewhere out there/ Linda Ronstadt - That'll be the day/ Linda Ronstadt - Tracks of my tears/ Linda Ronstadt - When will I be loved/ Linda Ronstadt - Winter light/ Linda Ronstadt - Youre no good



*****f*k*ro_さん (2020年 3月 20日 7時 57分)


*****p*torush19さん (2019年 3月 16日 20時 17分)


*****stag*_1984_10_28_b*ll_hさん (2018年 10月 11日 23時 44分)

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